Submitted by Miguel A. Ortega, President-Elect (reprint from AVASW Newsletter January 2011)
In October of 2010, the AVASW Executive Committee voted unanimously to recognize Jerry L. Satterwhite’s contributions to the Association by renaming the Hall of Fame in his honor. You may have noticed this change and if not, we wanted to let you know about it, and why. Jerry was inducted into the AVASW Social Work Hall of Fame a while back. His bio in the Hall of Fame reads as follows:

Jerry L. Satterwhite
We know of no one more highly deserving of the Hall of Fame honor than Jerry L. Satterwhite. He is past Chief of Social Work Service, Senior SWALT Preceptor, VHA SW Leadership Council Chairperson, Education Committee Chairman, and Association of VA Social Workers officer. He has most recently served as Congressional Liaison for the Association of VA Social Workers. He was instrumental in getting Hybrid Title 38 legislation passed. He has guided & mentored the VA Social Work profession, along with countless VA Social Workers and other professionals. He has actively promoted excellence in Social Work. He has represented the profession well in the community, such as through the Society of Social Work Leaders in Health Care as well as the Association of Social Work Boards.
Jerry has served on the Alabama board for more than ten years. He has served on numerous committees and worked on national practice and training initiatives. Just as importantly, he has always offered friendship and support, wherever he goes. It is with enduring gratitude and great pleasure that we unanimously in-duct “Big Jer” into the Association’s Hall of Fame.
Jerry has continued his efforts and as an active VA retiree, he continues to serve as our Congressional Liaison. The Executive Committee felt that Jerry epitomizes the spirit of the Hall of Fame. We are pleased to honor our colleague and friend by officially naming the Hall of Fame the Association of VA Social Workers.