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Salisbury VA Social Work Month

Social distancing as well as Veteran and employee symptom screening began within the Salisbury Health Care System, March 2020. Although social distancing began and Social Work Month celebrations ceased, social workers employed at the locations of: Salisbury, Kernersville and Charlotte began assisting throughout the healthcare system with COVID-19 preparations. A few ways social workers have been assisting with preparations include: telework implementation and planning, incident command and surge preparedness planning as well as gate screening and coordination. Visitor and employee symptom screening, have been instrumental in keeping Veterans and employees safe during this uncertain time. Social Workers and disciplines throughout the hospital volunteer daily with: the direction of traffic, providing masks, temperature checks as well as asking key questions upon the arrival of both visitors and employees: “Do you have a fever? Do you

have a worsening cough or flu-like symptoms? “Have you been in close contact with someone, including health care workers, confirmed to have the coronavirus disease?”

The mission to serve Veterans while maintaining safety within the workplace at the Salisbury VA Medical Center is evident and as always is a top priority. With the additional tasks, evolving policies regarding COVID-19 as well as providing excellent care serving Veterans and families daily; social workers within the Salisbury VA Health Care system have shown great energy and positivity daily while working in challenging times.

Natalie Shaver, LCSW

HCHV Community Coordinator

Health Care for Homeless Veterans

Salisbury Health Care System

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